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CRC Holiday Baskets 2015

Hello and welcome to our volunteer sign-ups for Holiday Baskets 2015!

This year CRC has a goal to serve over 1700 families --approximately SEVEN THOUSAND people!-- and we need YOUR HELP to do it! Through Donation Drives and other volunteer efforts, you can help us make this Holiday Baskets the best yet!

Registration is open now for Donation Drives (where we collect so much of what we distribute), Pre-Distribution (setting up our toy, book, blanket, outerwear and clothing areas), and Food Packing, where all the donations from Food Drives gets sorted and packed into boxes for our clients.  

Volunteers under 18: we want your help! However, we do have some rules, and you may need a chaperone. Please email Cathie Byrd at cbyrd@crcncc.org before signing up.

Groups looking to volunteer (businesses, religious organizations, service clubs, etc): Please contact Cathie Byrd at cbyrd@crcncc.org to find the best volunteer opportunity for you!

Please feel free to sign up for as many spots as you would like, we need your assistance!

For more information on CRC and Holiday Baskets, visit http://crcncc.org/hb.


CRC Holiday Baskets 2015

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: