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Freedom School Read Aloud

Each morning at Freedom School, we invite community members to read their favorite books/literature to our scholars. This instills a love of reading and exposes students to new people and new stories. It also allows our community to see firsthand what the CDF Freedom Schools program is all about.

 Volunteers will join our scholars for morning activities, which include cheers and chants, a time for quiet reflection, and a read aloud. Readers are needed every weekday from June 17 through July 26 from 8:50 to 9:30 am at each of our site locations. You have the option to bring your favorite age-appropriate book/poem/article with you to read, or one will be provided to you. If you choose your own, we ask that the reading you choose takes no longer than five minutes to read aloud, as this will allow for time for scholars to ask questions.

This year, we are offering "group pages" on signup.com so that volunteers can easily see available opportunities at all of our sites. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Richter at 314-627-1233 and/or drichter@lifewisestl.org.

Freedom School Read Aloud

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