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SRPC - Working Membership Sign Up
Thank you for visiting the Saukville Rifle & Pistol Club sign up site. Please sign up for work tasks in order to fulfill your working membership requirement. You are also welcome to sign up as a volunteer. By signing up, you are making the club a better place for yourself and others to enjoy.
Thank You for helping!
Please review the available tasks and sign up for something that is of interest to you. Please note that certain tasks have specific requirements; this will be noted within the task description.
The annual working requirement for a standard working membership is eight hours. You must work these hours during a membership year which runs from April 1 to March 31 the following year. Tasks are typically four hours long and in this case you will need to sign up for two four-hour tasks. Show up for your task assignments and you are done!
During signup, you can choose the membership year that you want the hours applied to. For example, if you work extra hours this year you may choose to apply them to next year.
If your availability permits, please sign up for tasks that occur early in the calendar year. This reduces the burden on event organizers and helps save the club money.
1) Who can I contact with questions about the sign ups? Please send an email to work@saukvillegunclub.com
2) Can I bring a friend or family member to help, and receive credit for these hours? Yes you can. Just sign up for multiple spots using your membership number and you will receive credit for those hours.
3) What if I performed work that I would like to get credit for, but I did not sign up ahead of time? Go to the main sign up page and sign up in the "Generic sign up for past hours worked" section.
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: