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Montana Rush - Volunteer Opportunities
Montana Rush Soccer relies on volunteers to help maintain a safe friendly environment for your players. We host activities at Siebel Soccer Park and our indoor facility at Montana Expo Park.
There are a few different ways you can help by signing up (not an all-inclusive list)
- Help on Concessions at the Rec/Academy games on Sundays) and tournaments.
- Field Marshaling for competitive league games and our recreational Sunday's.
- Field Maintenance, painting, weed eating, trash pickup, tree trimming, mowing.
-Pavilion maintenance
You must be at least 16 years of age to volunteer as a field marshal. You must be at least 15 years of age to volunteer in the concession stand.
Remember you are responsible for tracking your own volunteer hours.
If you cancel a spot, please try to find a replacement, if you cancel there is no way to find a replacement, so the task will be left undone or cancelled.
We greatly appreciate any volunteering you can help with - without you, it wouldn't be possible!
Montana Rush Soccer Club is in no way liable for personal injury that may occur during the task of volunteering. Some tasks may require you to lift, bend and the use of motorized or power equipment. You will be performing these tasks at your own risk.
Thank you!
- Montana Rush Soccer
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: