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OCA MX Club Signups

OCA MX Club Signups

Use the links below to sign up for hours to various events/projects.

How to sign up and get credit for working hours:

  • Go to the club website, https://www.ocamx.club/
  • Click on “Memberships “
  • Click on “Sign Up For Hours”
  • Click on “SignUp.com link” with the OCA picture
  • Click “View” for your chosen work assignment(s)
  • Click “Signup”
  • Enter your email address
  • Click “Continue”
  • Click “Confirm” if email address is correct
  • Enter the requested information: name, # of spots, phone number (cell is best)
  • Click “Save and Done”

Perform the work and return to submit the hours:

  • Go to https://www.ocamx.club/ to submit the hours worked
  • Click on the three lines on the top left corner
  • Click on “Track Hours”
  • Fill out the form with the job, coordinating board of director member, date work was performed, hours, and minutes
  • Click “Submit your hours”
  • Hours will be credited for your work within a week or two

Thank you

OCA MX Club Signups

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: