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RDE Volunteer Opportunities

There are always plenty of volunteer opportunities for youth and adults at RDE.  Listed below you will find some of the events we will need volunteers for.  If you're interested in volunteering you can access the electronic sign-up below to register or you can contact us at RDEVolunteer@gmail.com.

EOG Proctors 5/16, 5/17, 5/21 & 5/22

River Dell is in need of MANY level 1 & 2  volunteers to help with end of year EOG testing.  Please signup for as many days as you can.

Spring Book Fair 5/6 - 5/10/19

Assist students with their purchases when they shop at the book fair.

Duty Free Lunch 5/15/19

Volunteers are needed to help with lunch duty in the cafeteria while our teachers enjoy a duty free lunch. 

RDE Volunteer Opportunities

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: