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CHIditarod Volunteer Signup: No Checkpts

If you are coming back to volunteer in the same role you have in years past. WOOHOO thanks for coming back.  Search the list for the area you want to rock out, click and sign up.   

NEWBIES & I'M LOST: If you are unsure where to volunteer or this is your first time volunteering with CHIditarod, please click on the GENERAL volunteer link and sign up there. We will place you where we will need you. 

If you have volunteered working on Frankie's team in the past doing Registration Stuff: bibs, food, vogue photobooth, vip potty, cart shots, greeters, wristbands: Please click on the REGISTRATION GANG group and choose the area you want to volunteer in. 

If you have been on Devin's yard dawg team or want to help out with set up, tear down, lnt and general gear stuff, please click on YARD DAWGs

Checkpoints: If you are reading this message but are volunteering at a checkpoint, please contact your checkpoint lead for the direct link to the checkpoint page you are at. 

CHIditarod Volunteer Signup: No Checkpts

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors:
