
Our New Name | A Letter from the CEO

July 1, 2016 

Hi, I’m Karen, the founder and CEO of VolunteerSpot. It never fails to inspire me to see what a group of people working together can accomplish.

Big News

Today, I proudly introduce a new name for our business: SignUp.com. The name SignUp.com enables us to embrace our role as the leading provider of online solutions for group and activity coordination. Our vision for SignUp.com includes new and improved applications that drive participation and even more remarkable outcomes. As a result we can better help you do more of what you love.

What Has Changed

VolunteerSpot has a new name and a new look—and that’s it. Since our founding, people have used our helpful solutions for every kind of activity that relies on successful group coordination, not just volunteering. Our new name lets us better serve the needs of our entire audience. We still offer the same great tools and solutions for coordinating people and generating successful participation. Your account and all your activities are still here - just log in as usual and get going. Have an active Signup? Visit this FAQ page to learn more.

Thank You

To the hard-working parents, teachers, community and business leaders, and all organizers inspired to do more—thank you. To the employees, partners, and advisors that have made SignUp.com what it is today—thank you. To the sponsors that support SignUp.com and enable anyone to be an everyday hero for the people and causes they care about—thank you.

Together, we can do great things.


Karen Bantuveris
Founder and CEO
