
Free Printables: Friendsgiving Bingo Cards

A Slight Twist on a Classic Game for Your Day of Thanks Celebration

Need a fun activity for your Friendsgiving potluck or party? Spice up your Day of Thanks festivities with a game of Friendsgiving Bingo! Unlike a typical game of Bingo, the excitement of this version lasts throughout the day and no Bingo "caller" is needed. Guests mark off their Bingo squares as things happen... bad joke, argument over leftovers, someone has a few too many, dog/cat steals food – you get the picture!


Recommended Supplies:

  • Free printable Friendsgiving Bingo PDF
  • Standard-sized white printer paper or card stock
  • Scissors
  • Stickers or Permanent Markers


1. Click on one of the images below to open the 3-page Bingo Cards PDF.

2. Print the pages on standard-sized (8.5x11) white copy paper or card stock, then cut out the individual cards.

3. Set the Bingo cards on a table at your Friendsgiving event and provide stickers or markers.

4. Ask your guests to use the stickers or markers to cover a Bingo square when something on their card happens – as usual, the middle square is a freebie.

5. When someone covers five squares in a row, they yell Bingo. (Or sing Bingo while they dance a jig? Your game, your rules!)

PRO TIP: Don't forget the prize for the winner! Make it something that your guests find worth playing to win, like a restaurant or movie theater gift card.

Click An Image Below to Open the Printable Bingo Cards PDF:

Thankful Coloring Place Mat

Turkey Coloring Place Mat

When it comes to planning and organizing your potlucks – Thanksgiving, family reunions, teacher appreciation, you name it – SignUp has got your back! Check out our Potluck Planning Center to get fun ideas for themes, tips to make planning a breeze, printables for the sake of safety and fun, and much more. 


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