
Celebrate Dad with These Unique Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Give the Gift of a Shared Experience & Quality Time

If you’d like to move beyond the obligatory tie and/or grill tools gifts for Father's Day this year, here are some ideas for showing Dad you love him in a memorable, experiential way. Whatever you choose to do, adopt the idea that you’re willing to do something WITH him – something he’s interested in! You’ll make memories both of you will treasure forever.

Unique Father's Day Experience Gifts to Share with Dad

Art Dad: Chances are there’s an art museum around with something interesting for the two of you to go view. (Call or check online beforehand to find out if you need reservations.) An outdoor sculpture garden is also a great option, or maybe he’d be interested in learning to paint together with the Art Sherpa

Camping Dad: Make a reservation at a wilderness cabin or pull out the trusty tent and take Dad camping. Check online or call to make sure your planned camping area doesn't require a reservation. Make use of checklists of things to bring if camping isn’t your strong suit. (This idea also has a variation called Fishing Dad. You know what to do.)

Car Dad: If your dad is a car guy, try renting a vintage car and take him for a long drive (don’t forget to let him drive!) or help him detail and wash his beloved car. 

Cooking Dad: Maybe it would be fun for Dad to take a cooking class with you – there are tons of online options if a classroom isn't your thing, and there are even people who will come to your house to teach it if you prefer a live experience. Pick a type of cuisine Dad will enjoy – no need to learn a vegan curry if your dad is all about the bacon.

Gardening Dad: Plant a garden with your dad for the sheer joy of spending time with him and the added bonus of growing your own vegetables and herbs. As a variation on this theme, if Dad is getting older, coordinate with your siblings and other extended family to do his lawn work for the rest of the summer. Create a SignUp with the dates and jobs and allow relatives and friends to sign up 24/7 from their smartphones or computers.

Grilling Dad: Does Dad spend most of his weekends standing in front of the grill for hours, and then proudly serving up the delicious grilled grub he labored over for hours? Book some quality time with Dad doing something you know he loves – enter him and yourself in a grilling competition. A quick Google search for grilling competitions in your state during June will give you a list of options.

Spa Dad: We know this is not every dad’s cup of tea. But imagine giving Dad the experience of being pampered. Most men have never had a manicure or pedicure, much less a massage. You don’t want to make him uncomfortable, but if he’s open to the idea, it’s a lovely way to spend time with your dad while getting a little pampered yourself. Take him to your local spa to treat him to the experience of sitting in saunas, the ice bath and/or hot tub or, have a spa day at home with Dad!

Sports Dad: Get tickets to attend a sporting event or plan a movie marathon with dad that includes his favorite sports-themed movies – here's a list to choose from.

Thrill-Seeking Dad: If Dad is a bit of a risk-taker, amusement parks, skydiving simulators and/or actual skydiving are right up his alley. Because these places might still be closed due to social distancing restrictions, consider renting a virtual reality rig for some excitement from the comfort of home. Choose VR experiences that simulate what dad would love to do in real life – theme park rides, bungee jumping, hang gliding, mountain climbing, you name it!

Travel Dad: Spend the afternoon planning a road trip or, if budget allows, planning how you will explore a new country together. Research and plan an itinerary together for some place he’s long been interested in. (And, when you do make the trip, be sure to document with pictures and make a scrapbook to commemorate this once-in-a-lifetime excursion!)

Volunteer Dad: If your dad enjoys giving back, he’ll probably love a chance to show you what he does and have you join in. Work in a soup kitchen or building a house for the poor, if those activities are possible in your area while social distancing measures are being taken. Otherwise, consider volunteering in your neighborhood – is there a neighbor that needs help maintaining their yard or walking their dogs?

Need more ideas to help you celebrate Summer? Check out our Summer Activity Planning Center.


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