Sell More Girl Scout Cookies Than Ever!
Looking to help optimize your daughter’s 2017 Girl Scout cookie sales? has you covered with three tried and true tips, hacks and tools.

1. Use the Digital Cookie: With the Digital Cookie™ platform, the Girl Scouts sell more cookies using online and mobile channels that make it easy for cookie fans near and far to support them. Depending on your local council, girls will either use a personalized cookie website or app (the Digital Order Card) or a cool mobile app (COCODirect) for Digital Cookie sales. Find out if the Digital Cookie Platform is available in your area. Check out a list of participating councils. Since Girl Scout rules are very strict regarding information shared on social media, the Digital Cookie gives the Scouts a sanctioned way to sell online.
2. Participate in Cookie Booth Site Sales: Girl Scouts can participate in as many site sales as they want and makes it easier than ever! Coordinate and track participation of your troop’s booth coverage without texting tag and endless phone calls from busy parents needing to schedule or reschedule shifts. Check out a demo Cookie Booth SignUp here.
3. Go Door-to-Door: Going door-to-door is still an excellent way to boost your sales. If you can, wait to go door-to-door until you have cookies on-hand. Customers buy more cookies when they can see them because n actual box of Thin Mints is harder to turn down than an imaginary box that will be delivered sometime in the future! Before asking for an order, smile, make eye contact and THEN give them your sales pitch: “Hi! I’m selling Girl Scout cookies! My goal is to sell x boxes of Girl Scout cookies to earn x for my Troop to attend y. Will you help me reach my goal?” Find out if your service unit has cookie costumes available for your troop to borrow. Placing an order from a Girl Scout dressed as a giant cookie is almost irresistible.
Bonus Tip for Cookie Coordinators: Use to coordinate your troop’s cookie order pick-up instead of waiting around for a whole day. Create a SignUp of no more than three hours and have parents sign up for a time to pick up their child’s orders. Parents receive automated reminders to show up, and you get to take back your living room!