
Friends of the Library Macon Book Sale
The Book Sale at The Round Building runs on volunteer power. If you are available to work multiple shifts and/or multiple days, please scroll through all the dates and times to select your role(s). If you can't be here for a full shift, sign up anyway. Set up for the Book Sale is April 8-9 and the morning of April 10. The Member Preview Sale starts at 4 pm on April 10, and the public Book Sale is April 11-13. Tear down is April 13 after the sale closes at 2 pm.
Note: You can return to this sign up page and change your selections at any time prior to the sale. If you have questions or difficulty with online sign up, or would prefer not to use online sign up, please contact us at (478) 745-2422 or fotlmacon2017@gmail.com