
Hands and Feet - Feeding those in need
Blessings to each one who comes to this site. We are a group of people working together to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a practical way. Each month we go into the streets of our community 2 times to feed and clothe folks who are fortunate than most of us. We are happy you have decided to hop in here and join us in this ministry. We need folks like you to help us with the food supplies, gently worn and cleaned clothing & shoes. We have been doing this for a little over 5 years. In the cooler temps we take hot soup or casseroles prepared by volunteers; while in the warmer temps we grill hotdogs and enjoy the company and friendships of the people God brings our way. We have been blessed to partner with MidWest Food Bank of PA since their beginning here in Central PA. In addtion to food and clothing we also offer a bagged lunch, snacks and personal hygeine items to our "friends without houses". You can call Caring Community COG 717-545-7719 to offer donations. Thank you so much.