
FAQs About Our New Name

VolunteerSpot has a new name and a new look. This summer, we became SignUp.com. Changing our name is part of our vision to better serve organizers like you—we save you time so you can do more of what you love. If we haven’t addressed your questions in the Frequently Asked Questions below, contact us at Support@SignUp.com with your questions.

Q: Why the new name? 
Over the years, the design and use of our solutions expanded broadly beyond volunteering to include any type of activity that relies on people to sign up and participate. Our new name reflects this. 
Read the letter from our CEO here.

Q: How do I login at SignUp.com? 
For Organizers and Participants with passwords: Your login email address and password are the exact same. You can also continue going to VolunteerSpot.com and we’ll redirect you automatically.

For Participants, parents & volunteers: Since we don’t require you to register an account with a password, you’ll continue to access your SignUps directly with the activity links sent to you by your Organizer. All VolunteerSpot activity links will continue to work - you won’t need to change a thing. Can’t find your SignUp links? Get sent new ones, here.
Q: Do my activities change at all? 
You will notice a new name and a new logo, but your personal settings and your activity details will remain the same.
Q: Do all of my previous invitations and links still work? 
Yes! Both personal and Shareable invitation links to your SignUps and Group Pages will continue to work.
Q: Will my reminder messages be sent on time? 
Absolutely! We know you and your participants rely on timely reminders to help your activities be successful. Please add mail@SignUp.com to your address book/safe-sender’s list to ensure you receive new notification messages.
Q: What do I tell my participants? 
We believe your participants will be most interested in your activities and our name change will not be a focus for them. If you wish to tell your participants about the name change, we recommend this message:

VolunteerSpot, the service we use to coordinate our activities, changed its name to SignUp.com to better reflect the variety of ways people use their time-saving solutions. Your personal assignments, SignUp invitation links and reminders will all stay the same. The only change is that notification messages will now come from SignUp.com. Please add mail@SignUp.com to your address book/safe-sender’s list to ensure you receive timely invitations and messages. Thanks for participating!

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