
6 Great Ways to Use SignUp to Do Good in 2024

Expand the reach of your Good work with help from SignUp!

At SignUp, we’re privileged to empower the special people making a difference in your communities and schools, and we’re always so impressed with the variety of their contributions. As we’re heading into 2024, we’re sharing our top 6 themes for paying it forward in the upcoming year – check it out!

Great Ways to Use SignUp to Do Good

Support the Causes You Care About

SignUp makes it easy to get involved, bring people together, and get help achieving your important goals in your community and beyond! Join a charity race, host a food drive at work, recruit volunteers for the local shelter or tutoring program, or stand up for the causes you care about through activism.


Rally Your Neighbors

Create a united front with your neighbors – use SignUp to organize a neighborhood cleanup, launch a community mutual aid group, coordinate caring circles for elderly neighbors and new parents, or enlist volunteer tutors and manage tutoring appointments. And don't forget to plan some neighborhood fun, too – organize your next block party, a monthly book swap for your book club or the neighborhood kids, or a weekly activity like pickleball!

Empower Your School Parent Community

SignUp supports YOU supporting teachers and other school staff for the benefit of our children! Use online SignUps to easily recruit volunteer helpers for anything and everything – Back-to-School initiatives, class parties, field trips, library helpers, school fundraising events, prom, Project Graduation, Teacher Appreciation Week and more. We’ll even turn out more parents for Parent Teacher Conferences to help foster positive communication and commitment to learning.


Inspire Your Work Team Via Employee Appreciation

Helping your work team feel recognized and valued is key to building and maintaining a happy, healthy, and productive group. Be a do-gooder in your workplace by sharing tokens of gratitude throughout the year that inspire and help sustain a motivated team – here are some classic, quirky, and unique employee appreciation ideas to get you started!


Supercharge Your Club or Team’s Community Engagement Efforts

Whether you or someone in your family is a member of a school club or service organization, sports team, Scout troop, religious group, artist guild, or any other group of like-minded individuals – use SignUp to organize your group’s fundraising events, volunteer service projects, and other activities that give back to your community!


Collect Money & Spread the Cheer

Use SignUp to support your fundraisers, collect teacher gift or coach gift contributions, raise money for your favorite local nonprofit, host holiday giving trees and more – then use those funds to spread a little cheer at school or in your community!

Do-Gooder SignUps on mobile phones


Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

SignUp Spotlights: How Do-Gooders are Using SignUp

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