
What Is Family Code Night?

While your kids may be able to swiftly navigate any screen put in front of them, and you fearlessly manage your family's schedules right from your smart phone, the idea of "coding" might still seem like a foreign technological horizon. Truthfully, helping your children (and you!) learn to write code for computers has never been more important than it is today. Coding empowers creative thinking skills and transforms young minds from being passive watchers of screens, to active, passionate creators of what’s on their screens.

SignUp.com is proud to introduce Family Code Night to elementary school families everywhere. It’s a fast, free, and FUN community-building event that cultivates excitement about learning to code. We’re working with the White House, the Family Code Night team, and our generous program sponsor Capital One to help any parent, teacher or volunteer bring Family Code Night to their school or youth group with our FREE downloadable event kit!

Part of the President’s Computer Science for All initiative working to bring core computer science literacy to every child in America, Family Code Night has been featured on both the White House website and the front page of the New York Times. This delightful parent-led event pairs kids (K-5) with their parent or guardian, in a room full of their friends, to solve fun puzzles while doing their first hour of coding together!

Family Code Night jump-starts computer science learning for your whole school or group, and the best part is that no prior computer coding experience is needed to host a successful Family Code Night -- we give you everything you need.

 “My brain is on fire!” ~ 1st Grader

“I loved it... the BEST program I’ve seen in my 4 years in this district.” ~ 3rd Grade Parent

The effect is dramatic: parents and kids love going from consumers of code to creators of code, participation rates are remarkable (even in small schools), and families emerge eager to support computer science learning at home and at school. Family Code Night is an easy way to put on a memorable first coding experience for everyone involved.
Family Code Night is for elementary school-aged groups of all sizes and experience levels. It’s for elementary school communities with established computer science programs, for those wanting to learn what computer science is all about, and everything in between.

SignUp.com has everything you need to host a Family Code Night event at your school and easy ways to organize volunteers and participants. (It’s great for youth groups and Scouts too!) Here’s how it works:

1. Download your FREE Family Code Night Kit – a complete kit with everything you need including talking points about Family Code Night for your principal and parent group, checklists and communication plans, presenter scripts, flyers, banners and more.

2. Talk to your principal or parent group about hosting the event

3. Choose a date and invite families to participate

4. Host your Family Code Night - a fun and memorable community-building event

5. Watch the creative sparks fly as kids and parents develop an interest in and support for computer science learning


Why Every Kid Should Learn to Code

Writing Code Together – The New Family Game Night

Fun Coding Activities for Kids
